Build Your Future With Us

What Is It Like In AkaShiro

 in AkaShiro we believe that everyone has their own color. To some their color may seem normal, and yet to some their color may seem unique. When these different color work alone, it may look like a scattered puzzle. However, when these color are combined and get to work together, it could achieve something beyond wonderful. 

Three AkaShiro's Pillar

Teamwork, Togetherness, and Team player are the three pillars that support AkaShiro. In here every individual are treated like a family, and family work together to achieve a great result. In the process they all build a relationship with one another that helps them support one another.

Core Values

Growth Mindset

It is our beliefs that the world is getting better everyday. Thus we also have to get better everyday.

Continuous Improvement

We are always trying to give the best to our customer. There is no perfect product. But there is a right product.

Customer Focus

Customer is the heart of every business. Therefore, whatever that we make is based on what customer needs and wants.

Avaliable Position
Design Graphic


  • Able to operate; Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop Softwares
  • Able to work in a team
  • Can work with something new (accepet new changes in work flow)
    • Background in stationery is a plus
Sales Marketing


  • Promote and sell all product
  • Build relationship with customer
  • Able to handle customer complaint
  • Able to make sales report
  • Make sure all invoice are paid in time


  • At least 2 years of experience
  • At least D3/SLTA
  • Maximum 35 years of age
  • Personal vehicle
    • Background in stationery is a plus





  • Know how to make SPT and PPN report
  • Input sales and expense report (E-Faktur)
  • Basic Knowledge in financial statement, accounting and Tax


  • Have experience in administration for at least 2 years
  • Female and maximum 27 years of age
  • At least have SLTA/D3 degree in accounting
  • Efficient and effective in work
  • Able to work in a team
  • Able to operate microsoft excel
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